Right you lot I know I said I stopped writing about politics but after waking up this morning; yes hung over, to the news of the Labour governments plans to tax alcohol on a unit based quasion, I felt I had to point out this silly, silly proposal faults. The government has stolen a Conservative idea to have higher taxers on the cheap nasty stuff, I have written about and like it I also like the SNP plans in Scotland. For some reason the government have decided to put a tax on all your tipples. They just don't get it, the government spoil perfectly good idea and have change it to make it into something stupid. The only reason I can think they would do this, because of revers snobbery in the scene if they are going to tax they are going to tax all as they might lose face if they did not tax wine drinkers. What I ask is if this new tax is going to be on whiskey? Like heck they would!
The government just don't get it they are totally out of touch with normal people they are asking the equally out of touch advisers who see photo in news papers and make there judgment on it. Both the government and there advisers tell us they want to make us like the French. But why should we be like the French? I do fell at this time under years of this current government things have got out of control because of laws they bring in to make us 'more French'.
The government just don't get it they are totally out of touch with normal people they are asking the equally out of touch advisers who see photo in news papers and make there judgment on it. Both the government and there advisers tell us they want to make us like the French. But why should we be like the French? I do fell at this time under years of this current government things have got out of control because of laws they bring in to make us 'more French'.
The problem lies with the cost of drink being so high so people who are looking to save money drink at home with cheaper drink, then hit the town later and make the most of late licensing. Bring in the new tax would still make going out more expensive and the cheaper nasty stuff will still be the cheaper option. Unlike the out of touch government I don't sit on the high horse and say these young people going out getting drunk blur blur blur.... in fact last night before I went out I had a couple of G&Ts at home to save money on a good night out with my rugby mates.
I know what the problem is as I live with it, work with it and I can see the government is clearly wrong and so keen to be seen to be taxing wine lovers as well as plastic artificial cider tasting drinkers. If you tax the high alcohol, high sugar drinks, the good drinks will end up not be cheaper but the same as the bad stuff. Alcohol is not the only problem. The reason people are so hyper is because of the drink is so high is sugar it make pepole loopy; I would love to see a study of the after effects of the sugar has on the drinker.There should be high taxation on drinks which don't fall into a application band and lower taxes (like with whiskey which is made in the PM and chancellors constituency) on good drink which has a proven application and is made in the idea of taste first.
Sorry I will try to stop my rant but we can't let Labour do this to us! I am happy to let you know I am not that sad to sit in a dark corner inside stewing over this I happen to be outside in the lovely spring sun stewing over this.
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